Cefnogaeth leol

Llawer o grwpiau a chefnogaeth ar gael

  • SPoA: Providing information, advice and assistance about the care and support services that are available for adults.
  • Gwaith Gwynedd: Gwaith Gwynedd can support people to find employment, work experience and volunteering roles.
  • Awtistiaeth Cymru: NWIAS provide support and resources to help autistic people to understand their diagnosis of autism, as well as run drop-in sessions and training courses for adults recently diagnosed as autistic.
  • Advocacy: 
  • Gwasanaeth Cynnal Gofalwyr Gogledd Orllewin Cymru: Find out about the support for carers and parents of autistic children.
  • GISDA - Offering an opportunity for Young People to live independently: Find out about support to develop independent living skills and accomodation options for your people requiring support
  • Gwynedd - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board: Local Mental health drop in support accross Gwynedd
  • CALL Helpline - About Us: The CALL Helpline has recently received training on a range of neurodivergent conditions and how to adapt our practice. We are therefore able to extend our service to provide a non judgemental listening ear to neurodivergent individuals, their families and carers. This includes the parents of neurodivergent children. You do not need to have a formal diagnosis in order to access the CALL Helpline, you may already be on a waiting list for diagnosis or you may think you, your child, or loved one may have a neurodivergent condition.
  • Urgent Mental health support:  The service is available for people of all ages, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in all areas of Wales to ensure those in need of support can access it quickly when they need it most. If you need to talk to someone urgently about your mental health, or you’re concerned about a family member, call NHS 111 Wales and select option 2 to be placed in direct contact with a mental health professional in your area.
  • Additional Learning needs and inclusion: Support for parents and carers to navigate the aditional Learning needs and inclusion of their children and Young people