Plant a Phobl Ifanc

Children under 5 years old

If a child is under 5 and showing signs of autism, a health or education professional (school or pre-school staff) should refer to the local Community Paediatrician in the first instance.

Professionals may refer directly to the Denbighshire Early years Neurodevelopment Team for consideration of diagnostic assessment, bearing in mind that the child needs to be under a community paediatrician for the referral to be considered.

Children and young people aged between 5 and 18 years old

The North Wales NHS Neurodevelopmental Service arrange or carry out children's diagnostic assessments.

Find out more about the NHS Wales Neurodevelopmental Service  

A school or GP can refer a child showing signs of autism to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). CAMHS screen the referral, and where appropriate, will forward on to the neurodevelopmental team for a referral decision.

Guidance when getting an assessment for children and young people

When asking for an assessment for a child or young person, it's important to think about how:

  • an autism diagnosis might affect the child or young person for whom you are responsible
  • a diagnosis of autism can help some children and their families to understand them better
  • a diagnosis can have an impact on a Childs’ sense of identity

Cerebra, a charity that help children and young people with brain conditions, have created a factsheet to provide information and useful resources to parents in Wales who suspect their child may have autism.

Cerebra: Autism assessments and diagnosis in Wales (external website)


Further information and useful links

About us - Awtistiaeth Cymru | Autism Wales | National Autism Team

Children, Young People and Family Health Services - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (

School Nursing - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (

About Us - Amser i Siarad - Time to Talk

GISDA - Offering an opportunity for Young People to live independently

Surviving School On The Autistic Spectrum | Blog | YoungMinds

Discounts for fostered and disabled children – MaxCardMaxCard – The Max Card is the UK’s leading discount card for foster families and families of children with additional needs. Families can use their Max Card at venues across the UK to get free or discounted admission. (