If an objection is given in relation to an objection notice the applicant can appeal the decision. Appeals take place in the local Magistrates Court within 21 days. It is not possible to appeal later than five working days before the event.
The chief police officer or the Council's Environmental Health officer who receives a notice and believes that the event would undermine the licensing objectives can serve an objection notice on the licensing authority and the premises user. This notice must be served within 48 hours of receipt of the temporary event notice.
The local licensing authority must hold a hearing if an objection notice is served. They may issue a counter notice if it considers it necessary for the promotion of the licensing objective. A decision must be made at least 24 hours before the beginning of the event.
A police chief or the Council's Environmental Health officer may modify the TEN with the consent of the premises user. In such a case an objection notice will be deemed to have been withdrawn.
Counter notices may be provided by the licensing authority if the number of permitted TENs has been exceeded.