What is Scrutiny and how to take part?

Local government legislation in Wales establishes a clear difference between two elements of councils’ work:

  • The Executive (The Cabinet in Gwynedd’s case) which is responsible for the vast majority of the decisions made by elected members.
  • The Scrutiny side which scrutinises the decision makers and brings them to account. 

The role of Scrutiny 

Scrutiny contributes to driving improvement in services, making sure that the people of Gwynedd receive the best possible services. Scrutiny in Gwynedd adds value by:

  • Scrutinising the impact of schemes and services on the people of Gwynedd
  • Contributing to realising the priorities of the Council
  • Looking into concerns about the quality of services
  • Identifying good practice and weaknesses
  • Acting as a Critical Friend ensuring that attention is given to the voice of the people of Gwynedd
  • Monitoring performance
  • Scrutinising proposed and developing policies
  • Holding the Cabinet and individual Cabinet Members to account for their decisions and delivery

The Scrutiny Committees are independent and ensure an independent challenge to the work of the Cabinet.

How can you take part in the Overview and Scrutiny work?

The Committees welcome observations from the public. You can let your local councillor know or contact a member of a Scrutiny Committee. Or you can send your observations via e-mail to: Craffu@gwynedd.llyw.cymru

Attending a Scrutiny Committee meeting 

Every Scrutiny Committee meeting is held in public and anyone is welcome to come and listen to the proceedings. The Scrutiny Committees at the beginning of each Council year identify matters to be scrutinised in Committee meetings during the year.

The public will only be excluded from Scrutiny Committee meetings on very rare occasions, where specific types of confidential information are discussed.

Scrutiny Investigation

If you have a particular interest in a scrutiny investigation, please contact us so that we can provide your comments to the Councillors.   

You can take part in a scrutiny investigation by becoming a witness to provide specific information about the matter and provide evidence. This enables the Councillors to make informed decisions but also provides a platform for individuals and organisations from outside the Council to voice their opinion.

If you want to propose a matter to be considered by the Scrutiny Committees, contact us:

If you want to propose a matter to be considered by the Scrutiny Committees, contact us You can fill in a form to make a request to scrutinise a specific issue, download a Word or PDF copy.

Scrutiny Request Form (Word)

Scrutiny Request Form (PDF) 

and send it to us by email or by post to the address below:

  • Email: Craffu@gwynedd.llyw.cymru
  • Address: Language and Scrutiny Unit, Corporate Support, Cyngor Gwynedd, Shirehall Street, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1SH

If you require assistance with filling in the form or want a conversation about a specific issue, contact us on this phone number - 01286 679020.