Highways, Engineering and YGC
Head of Department:
Steffan Jones
Cyngor Gwynedd
Penrallt Office,
Ffordd Pafiliwn,
LL55 1BN
Phone: 01766 771000
Popular forms:
E-mail: SteffanJones@gwynedd.llyw.cymru This address should NOT be used to report day-to-day problems - please use the forms above.
The Department includes:
- Highway maintenance
- Street lighting
Maintain street lighting and signage.
Bridges and retaining walls
Waste management
- Street enforcement and cleaning
Street cleaning, street and dog fouling bins, Street Enforcement Wardens, flytipping, litter, dog control orders, graffiti on Council property, environmental offences committed on the street and waste enforcement
- Municipal assets
Bereavement/crematorium service, Council cemeteries and Bangor Crematorium, public toilets, playgrounds and maintenance of Council open spaces.
- Fleet management
Managing and maintaining the entire Council Fleet.
- Highways and municipal category team
Keep the benefits local, buy goods, services and works.
Environmental Areas: Highways, Fleet, Engineering, Buildings.
- YGC (Ymgynghoriaeth Gwynedd Counsultancy)
Flood and Costal, Environmental Consultancy, Building Design and Property Surveying, Infrastructure and Transport Design, Management Systems, Quantity Surveying and Cost Consultancy.
Further information is available on the YGC website
Environmental policy
Highways and Municipal Environmental Policy: This policy outlines what the department is doing to minimise its negative impact on the environment and maximise its positive influence.
- Highways asset maintenance plan - Under review