Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP)

Who can claim DHP?

You can get Discretionary Housing Payments if we consider that you need extra help with your Housing Costs. A DHP can only be granted if you already receive:

What are Housing Costs?

Housing costs are usually rental payments, but can also include rent in advance, deposits, and other lump sum costs associated with a housing need such as removal costs. 

The following items are not covered by Discretionary Housing Payments:

  • ineligible service charges (e.g. charges for fuel, hot water or meals), 
  • increases in rent due to outstanding rent arrears, and  
  • certain sanctions and reductions in benefit. 

How to apply for Discretionary Housing Payment

You will need to fill in an application form and return it to us as soon as possible. You will also need to send us any supporting evidence and details of your income and expenditure. 

Please return the form to us as soon as possible, and if you have any difficulties or queries, contact us.