Draft Equality Objectives 2024-28

It is time for Gwynedd Council to review our Equality Objectives, as we need to do every 4 years according to the Equality Act 2010. The objectives will be our priority in the field of equality during the period 2024-28.

We have collected opinions and data and created draft Equality Objectives which have been included in a Consultation Document.

We would be very grateful if you could give your opinion on the draft objectives by filling in this short questionnaire. There is a summary of the objectives and action points on the questionnaire, but to get a full picture you will need to look at the Consultation Document.


For more information about any equality matter, or if you have a question or comment about this survey, please contact us via

E-mail: equality@gwynedd.llyw.cymru

Phone number: 01286 679708

Consultation period: 29.11.23 – 26.01.24