Someone to speak on my behalf
An advocate is someone who supports you to communicate your needs, helps to explore options and gets things done for you.
What does an advocate do?
- makes sure you are heard and answered to
- empowers you
- promotes positive images
- works to make things happen and change
- supports you to make choices and to take more control
- works for equal rights and inclusion.
What an advocate doesn’t do
- give advice
- take control away from you
- act as referee in arguments or disputes
- take on the role of a social worker
- make up for gaps in services that should be provided.
How do I get an advocate?
North Wales Advice and Advocacy Association (NWAAA)
NWAAA work with adults who have social care needs and live in Gwynedd. They are an Independent Professional Advocacy (IPA) service. They can support people who are struggling to participate in their assessment, reviewing and care planning. NWAAA can support carers, people who are disabled, older people, parents who are receiving services around the family, people with learning disabilities and other vulnerable people with care and support needs. NWAAA welcome enquiries from professionals and the public.