Leaving care

The 16+ Team helps young people aged 16-21 (or 24 if in full time education) who have been looked after by the council to move on to an independent and successful adult life.

Leaving care can be one of the most difficult times in a young person's life, so it's essential that they are properly prepared and ready for the challenge.


The 16+ Team's work is based on the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000. The Team can:

  • help to prepare young people for leaving care and support them once living independently
  • provide advice and practical support on accommodation needs, finances, education, training and employment
  • deal with referrals and attend meetings with young people
  • attend reviews and planning meetings
  • assist 16 and 17 year olds who are homeless.

Our advisors can respond to enquiries. The Team works with carers, housing, health workers and other colleagues. We listen to young people’s wishes and provide support according to what they want.


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