ECO 4 – Statement of Intent

Cyngor Gwynedd Local Authority ECO4 Flexible Eligibility (LA ECO4 FLEX) Funding - Heating Systems, Upgrades and Insulation measures

The Energy Company Obligation 4 (ECO4) is a UK Government energy efficiency scheme, administered by Ofgem (the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets). ECO4 was launched in 2022 and will run until March 2026. The main objective of ECO4 is to reduce fuel poverty by improving the least energy efficient housing stock occupied by low income, vulnerable and fuel poor households, this helping to meet the Government’s fuel poverty and net carbon zero commitments. Under ECO4 obligated suppliers are legally required to reduce heating costs for low income and vulnerable households by delivering energy efficiency and heating measures.

One route that can be used to identify these households is ‘ECO4 Flexible Eligibility’ (ECO4 Flex). Local Authorities can volunteer to participate in ECO4 Flex to identify eligible households that are not in receipt of a means tested benefit but meet the eligibility criteria outlined below.

The energy efficiency measures installed under the scheme are funded by the medium and larger energy suppliers, and not by the Local Authority. Cyngor Gwynedd has the responsibility of determining who will qualify for ECO4 Flex in the County. This will be established based on the information supplied in the application form together with the supporting evidence. Declarations will be issued to those who are eligible and could benefit from improvements.


Eligibility Criteria

To qualify, properties must be an occupied private domestic premises (either owner-occupied homes or private rented sector homes). Both the property and the household must adhere to at least one of the three available routes outlined below (Definitions: EPC = Energy Performance Certificate, SAP = Standard Assessment Procedure):


Route 1: EPC/SAP bands D-G owner occupied households and private rented sector E-G households with a gross income less than £31,000. This cap applies irrespective of the property size, composition, or region.

Route 2: EPC/SAP bands E-G for owner occupied households and private rented sector households that meets a combination of two of the following proxies:

Proxy 1) Homes in Welsh provision LSOA 1-3 on the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019.  Map

Proxy 2) Householders receiving a Council Tax reduction (reduction based on low income only)

Proxy 3) Householders vulnerable to living in a cold home as identified in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidance. Only one from the list can be used, excludes the proxy ‘low income’.

Proxy 4) A householder receiving free school meals due to low-income.

Proxy 5) *A householder supported by an LA-run scheme, that has been named and described by the LA as supporting low-income and vulnerable households for the purposes of the NICE Guideline.

Proxy 6) A household referred to the LA for support by their energy supplier or Citizen's Advice because they have been identified as struggling to pay their electricity and gas bills.

* Note proxies 1 and 3 cannot be used together.

* Note Proxy 5 is unavailable. Cyngor Gwynedd does not run a scheme that meets these criteria.

Route 3: EPC/SAP bands D-G owner occupied households and private rented sector E-G households that have been identified by their doctor or GP as low-income and vulnerable, with an occupant whose health conditions may be cardiovascular, respiratory, immunosuppressed, or limited mobility related.

This is because the Council has identified a positive correlation between households who suffer from long-term health conditions and living off a low-income, with living in a poorly insulated homes. (please refer to the NHS referral letter template on our webpage).

Route 4: BEIS will issue a new guidance for this targeting method. Further guidance on this route will be published by BEIS later in the year.


How to apply

All potentially eligible households should apply through one of Cyngor Gwynedd’s approved ECO4 Flex installers. The Council does not accept applications directly from residents. The list of approved installers that can deliver energy efficiency measures under ECO4 Flex can be found on this webpage; from the list, you can select and contact the company that you wish to apply through. An application form can also be downloaded from this webpage or alternatively, you can contact the contractor directly for a paper copy.


What if there is no current EPC/SAP for your property?

If there is currently no valid EPC for your property, then the approved ECO4 Flex installer/provider you apply through will arrange for your property to be assessed by an accredited Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA). The DEA carries out the energy assessment and issues an EPC/SAP.


Who is responsible for works carried out by an approved ECO4 Flex provider under the scheme?

Cyngor Gwynedd accepts no responsibility or liability resulting from any negative consequence, damage or loss arising from works connected to the ECO4 Flex scheme and the installer/provider. Should any works go ahead under the scheme, then the contract of agreement is between the householder/applicant and the company in question (not with the Council). Responsibility for the installations lies with the installer (for installation faults within a specified time, normally twelve months) and the manufacturer (for faulty products within the warranty period). Maintaining service schedules for installed measures is the responsibility of the owner/occupier and not the installing company. Any grievance or issue raised against works carried out under the scheme or application process should be taken up with the installing party/agent/financier. If you are concerned about the conduct of the surveyor or your rights as a consumer, then please telephone the Citizens Advice Consumer Service helpline: 0808 278 7922.

Qualification and the Declaration by Cyngor Gwynedd do not guarantee a measure will be installed in your home, as the final decision of whether funding is available will be made by the installer and energy suppliers.


Approved suppliers:

Further information is available from Ofgem 


How to apply:

Remember to be vigilant of scam callers when approached by any individual.  

ECO 4 – Statement of Intent - (Superseded/Withdrawn on 09/05/2024)

ECO 4 - Statement of Intent - (Superseded/Withdrawn on 30/03/2023)

Gwynedd Council Flexible Eligibility Statement of Intent (ECO4) Version 1.0 (Superseded/Withdrawn on 26/01/2023

The closing date for onboarding ECO 4 and Great British Insulation Scheme Flex Cyngor Gwynedd has closed on 31.05.24 on Sell2Wales.

If we decide to go out again, please register with Sell2wales you will receive a notification of future onboarding.
