You can view any information by the Council, but there are exceptions for information that should be confidential. This does not include information about yourself - this information can be found in the Data Protection Act section.
The absolute exemptions
s21 Information accessible to applicants by other means
s32 Court records.
s40 Personal information (where the applicant is the subject of the information)
s41 Information provided in confidence
s44 Prohibitions on disclosure e.g. where a disclosure is prohibited by an enactment or would constitute contempt of court
Qualified Exemptions where the public interest test applies:
If the authority decides that one or more of the following exemptions apply, it must still release the information unless it concludes that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure.
s22 Information intended for future publication
s30 Investigations and proceedings conducted by public authorities
s31 Law enforcement
s33 Audit functions
s36 Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs
s38 Health and safety e.g. where disclosure of such information would endanger the physical or mental health or safety of any individual.
s39 Environmental information
s40 Personal information concerning a third party and a s10 notice under the Data Protection Act 1998 applies to that information
s42 Legal professional privilege
s43 Commercial interests.