Preferred Strategy

An Official Notice has been prepared which specifies the Councils intention to release the document for public consultation. The Preferred Strategy is the first statutory stage of the Joint Local Development Plan (JLDP). The JLDP shapes the future growth of communities in the Joint Local Plan Area and will set out the policies and land allocations against which planning applications will be assessed, up to 2026.

The Preferred Strategy is now available for inspection and to comment upon. A summary booklet of the document has also been prepared. There is also a series of supporting documents which have been produced in relation to various topics; these form the evidence base for the content of the Preferred Strategy.

Why We Are Consulting
The ‘Preferred Strategy' includes the vision and objectives, strategic policies, the preferred strategy and suggested overall level and areas of growth. The Preferred Strategy is a strategic document and therefore it doesn’t include detailed policies and site specific allocations.

Along with the Preferred Strategy comments are also invited on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). This report explains how the appraisal has been undertaken and also how the process has assisted in the development of the JLDP’s Preferred Strategy. Also subject to the public consultation period is the Screening Report relating to the Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA).