Dropped Kerb

You will need a dropped kerb if you need vehicle access over a pavement or verge in front of your house or a driveway, 

If located on a trunk road or classed road (A,B or C roads) you will need permission from Gwynedd Council to carry out this work.

If the pavement is located on a housing estate (i.e.Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd), you need to contact the housing agency. 


Apply for a dropped kerb

Make an on-line application



After we've received your application

An Officer will visit the site to assess if the site is suitable or not.

If the officer approves the application there will be a consultation period with utility companies and relevant bodies. This will take 10 working days.

If there are no objections to the consultation, the license will be granted. 

If there are objections by the utility companies, further requires will be carried out, details will be sent to the applicant.

15 working days should be allowed for processing an application. 

If an application is successful all work must be carried out by a Highway approved contractor, who will notify the Street works department in accordance with the 1991 Act.