Use class definitions

Use classes (categories) have been introduced which relates to dwelling houses, second homes and holiday lets, as follows:

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 Use ClassExplanation

Class C3.

Dwelling House; Main Homes

Use of a dwelling house as a sole residence or main residence, which is occupied for more than 183 days in a calendar year by –

(a) a single person or by people who are considered to form one household;

(b) no more than six residents who live together as one household, where care is provided for the residents; or

(c) no more than six residents who live together as one household, where care is not provided for the residents (except for use which is in class C4).

Interpreting Class C3:

  • When calculating the 183 days, any time spent by one household in accommodation provided for occupational purposes, such as oil rigs or barracks, contributes to the 183 days

Class C5.

Dwelling House; Secondary homes

Use as a dwelling house, other than as a sole or main residence, occupied for 183 days or less by –

(a) one person or by people who are considered to form one household;

(b) no more than six residents who live together as one household, where care is provided for the residents; or

(c) no more than six residents who live together as one household, where care is not provided for the residents (except for use within class C4).

Interpreting Class C5:

  • For the purposes of Class C5(a), "one household" is interpreted in accordance with section 258 of the Housing Act 2004

Class C6.

Short term let accommodation 

Use of a dwelling house as commercial short-term letting accommodation for a period not exceeding 31 days (for each occupation period).