Castle Gift Shop, Caernarfon
Business: Castle Gift Shop
Location: Caernarfon
Grant amount: £31,051.00
Heledd and Aled Jones saw a chance to breathe new life into this iconic Caernarfon business and worked hard to transform the building and invest in its future.
As part of the project, the Town Centre Property Improvement Transforming Towns fund helped to re-render the building and replace the old windows to ensure that the building would be more energy efficient and secure for years to come, whilst remaining sympathetic to its unique historical character.
By tapping into a new market of serving coffee and ice cream, sitting in the shadows of Caernarfon Castle, it is well placed to be a successful business that meets the needs of both locals and visitors, contributing to the ongoing revitalisation of Caernarfon’s town centre.
“This grant has been a contribution to a project to save and preserve the character and conservation of a building that is part of the town's heritage. The work has given the building and business a future.”